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Begins March 23, 2025!

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We hope you will say YES to this TRANSFORMATIVE and MAGICAL

nine-month online Priestess Path Certification,

with an option for a

THREE YEAR High Priestess Certification!


Plus Ordination and an option to complete your post-graduate degree!


Requirements for Certification:

*Register and complete one (or three)

nine-month Goddess Immersion Spirals


*A willingness to be present

*Participation in the large and small Goddess Immersion group calls, activities and videos available

*Participation in three additional Priestess calls 

*Reading three texts that pertain to Goddess Studies, plus three optional book group discussions 

*Goddess Quest support

*Demonstration of leadership in our larger  Sisterhood through live Zoom sharing, video offerings, weaving connection, and more

*A Completion Project ​


**Please Note there is an additional $100 Priestess Path administration fee to be paid when registering

Presented by
The New England Goddess Temple!

We are so happy your Soul found her way here!

You are warmly welcomed to the Priestess Path,

a one-to-three year transformative journey

of self-discovery, empowerment and leadership

in the arts and mysteries of the Sacred Feminine...


  • Do you feel the call to shift consciousness on the planet?

  • Are you ready to tap into and share the deep inner and ancestral wisdom you hold within?

  • Do you feel that it is TIME for the Sacred Feminine to rise up again?

  • Are you drawn to leadership? Are you ready to guide others into this necessary consciousness shift?

  • Are you drawn to ritual and ceremony?

  • Do you feel an intimate connection with Mother Earth, her rhythms, and all of life?

  • Do you work with nature? Nature spirits?

  • Do you yearn for a supportive Sisterhood?

  • Do you believe there is an alternative way of being in the world, one that is supportive, non-competitive, passionate, compassionate, interconnected, loving and magical?


If so, the Priestess Path is for you!

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"Walking the path of the Goddess can radically shift how we experience the world.

When we embody life through the lens of the Feminine, it can be both magical and delicious.

The veil between the physical and spiritual world lifts, and we are able to experience the Sacred in all of existence."

                                                                                                       ~ Jennifer Sundeen

A modern-day Priestess understands a paradigm shift in how we are living on the planet is desperately needed...and that the Divine Feminine IS the medicine needed in this world today. She understands she *is the embodiment of the Goddess, and through her wisdom, unique talents and creativity, she helps others to understand they too hold sacredness within. 


We are seeking Leaders, women who understand the time is NOW for us to step forward in recognition of the Divine Feminine ~ with Her infinite faces and facets. It is TIME for humanity to acknowledge and celebrate

the myriad qualities of the Goddess...and within each one of us: Sacredness, connection, wholeness, healing, compassion, creativity, strength, courage, empathy, love.

She is...we are...the birther, the nourisher, the nurturer, the healer, the caregiver, the magician, the musician, the wild one, the midwife, the maiden, the mother, the crone, the creator, the destroyer, the lover, the wise one.


The past several thousand years have seen an attempt to obscure and even obliterate the Great Mother. The result is a world disconnected from and even destroying our very own Earth.

However, after millennia of repression and subjugation, we are witnessing the Feminine rising again. We believe we cannot become whole, cannot make our way back towards recognizing our Oneness, until the Divine Feminine reclaims Her place and is fully embraced in the consciousness of humanity.


May we as Priestesses offer our words, our actions, and our hearts to the Infinite Mother. May we help others to know her. May we stand in the Truth of this sacred offering.


I want to join the NEGT's
Priestess Training! Sign me up!

Thanks for submitting!

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